
Wednesday 12 October 2011

WFW: The Ceremony begins

The sun had set and the candles and mirrors cast a warm glow over the sanctuary and all our friends and family.

I waited in the fellowship hall with everyone in the bridal party (except Ross and BM Tom).

The handbells struck up an arrangement of All Things Bright and Beautiful.

You can barely see it, but this is one of my favourite memories of the day.  Youngest ring bearer Toby heard the music of the bells and was excited because he loves music.  He looked out the small windows along the edges of the doors and saw what was happening.  He turned to his mom, BM Nicole, and asked her about the music.  Nicole told him, "They're ringing the bells for Aunt Meg because they love her".  This picture is of me leaning down to talk to Toby.  He's telling me that everyone loves me enough to make the bells ring.  Yeah, I lost it.  (And I'm tearing up now just remembering).  That moment encapsulates how I felt on my wedding day.  Surrounded by love- from family, friends and my new husband.  

 The bells played as the families were seated.

First up, my cousins/house party.  They'd done a great job handing out programs and directing everyone to sit where ever they liked since we didn't have bride and groom sides.

Then groomsman Uncle Jeff walked my Grandmother down the aisle.

Next soloist Ian escorted my G'ma, with Papa close behind.

Finally, my proud mama walked with my big brother and groomsman Matt.

As the groomsmen dropped of their ladies, they joined Ross and Best Man Tom at the front of the church.

At this point, the handbells finished and the organ started up with Voluntary in G by David Johnson as my lovely ladies headed down the aisle.

 Last, but not least, it was time for the ring bearers.  These two brothers were perfect!  Big bro Lliam was very serious about doing his job well.  He carried a small box containing our rings while his younger brother had an mini Etch-A-Sketch.  He'd been playing with it before the ceremony and it was easier to just let him keep it than to wrestle it out of his hands.  Ross says he loved the moment that he realized just what Toby was holding.
I love the fact that every face in the sanctuary is alive with the boys' cuteness.

Lliam was a total pro, completing the hand off to BM Tom and joining his dad in a pew.

And then it was my turn....

Next time!

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